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How to Use Licky Mats For Dogs
If you are looking for an alternative to traditional chow bowls, consider using licky mats for your dog. Unlike their traditional counterparts, these chew toys are designed to be cleaned and maintained after use. Here are some important tips to keep in mind before...
Cat Litter For Problem Cats
If you have a cat that has problems using the litter box, consider getting your feline friend a special kitty litter box. These boxes are made to help cats who are suffering from behavioral problems. Before purchasing a special kitty litter box, consult your vet. He...
If you're considering switching your cat's litter to a non-clumping, organic type, you're on the right track. But first, you need to know how to properly use it. There are several things to consider, including the cause of the problem, how to use an alternative...
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